Go Wildlife!

Image of Go Wildlife!


Go Wildlife is a collection of short comic strips inspired by some of the world’s most fascinating wildlife, with an aim to put the spotlight on some of the underrepresented corners of the animal kingdom in a way that’s both amusing and intriguing.

It's is a new kind of comic that thinks animals are amazing and wants to tell the world about them! While it’s common to see cats and dogs, mice and rabbits star in comic strips, they are almost always used as stand-ins for human foibles. Not so with Go Wildlife, in which each animal’s nature is brought to authentic comic life in a series of scenarios ranging from the whimsical to the touching. Where else are you going to see comics about a giant Robber Crab scuttling around a suburban kitchen, massed Sea Otters plotting revenge on the human race, a Kakapo trying to bridge the generation gap with his kids, Scottish dolphins chatting through telepathy or a Junglefowl conducting an ambitious rescue operation?